Motherhood is a gift to be cherished. Sharing thoughts and adventures with our children is what we are about.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Taking a look at motherhood.

Sometimes we look at our life as a mother and wonder: Why am I doing this to myself?...
Motherhood is about sacrifice. Giving up some things that you were able to do pre-motherhood and some things you wish to do but can't. It's about sacrificing your weekly date night and changing it to monthly date night (although that has not been practical fro us either); about changing your shopping time from all day to an hour, and biggest of all sacrificing your 'me-time' all together. I find the best time for me-time is at night when I can relax in the bath and read my book. But then that takes away from time with my husband which is also so valuable to me. It's funny though how when we think about all the negatives of having a baby- the rest becomes understandably acceptable. Not because its the norm, but because of the pure Love for our child/children; that we become so utterly satisfied with leaving our past lives and focusing on our children and their precious lives and even more precious future which we are building. 
Our lives develop meaning, not that it never had meaning before, but that we find a sense of belonging and worth. Not just as a mother but a parent- fathers too. They become more protective, creating soft spots for their offspring and allowing Pure Love to overcome anything that would stand in their way. I am solely writing of experience of my husband and I.
No one ever said motherhood is easy. But boy is it satisfying and rewarding in so many ways- we wonder why so many people have children. The positives hugely outweigh the negatives...Any Parent will tell you that.
So from a mother who adores being a mother; Enjoy every moment. And for those thinking of having kid: It's so worth it all in the end.
Until next time enjoy your TinyTot and remember: Motherhood is a gift to be cherished!

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