It all started Last Friday, when my darling daughter had not made a number two in a few days. This was quite unusual, as she is Breastfed and very regular. But because she stared Solids not so long ago, she was getting a bit congested. (Sorry about the overshare- I am getting to the point...).
I was on my way out to meet my family and a friend for an afternoon tea, had all the bags packed and was off in the car, bracing myself to drive half way around the Peninsula to get to our far away destination; when I got stuck in traffic. The frustration is rising. So I took a detour, going through a more industrial part of Town, cutting through to get to the highway required. As I am about to enter a main road, I hear my daughter pushing, but not thinking much of it. Well... I had it coming for me...
I couldn't see much, and so decided to drive on and handed her her teething toy. As I glanced at it, I noticed that it had some residue of something other than drool... I glanced again... nope!! She had made a number two... Oh My Word had she made a number two! It had gone everywhere... and that is an understatement!!! The frustration is rising some more.
It had voluminously escaped from her nappy, leaving her car seat full of it!Never mind staining her clothes. Needless to say I pulled over to assess the damage properly, moments before stupidly thinking that I could drive all the way with her in that condition... The damage was severe.
I placed her on the back seat of the car and out came the Wetwipes. And they just kept on coming!!! One by one they are just sweeping across her bottom, no time or effort wiping with the same wipe; it just wasn't worth it! I must tell you that it was not easy getting her nice, once clean, clothes off her without wiping it across her back. Thank goodness I packed extra clothes. Every mother knows we need to pack extra clothes wherever you go. It was that bad that I even thought of returning and going home to bath her. But then decided against it. Once cleaned and fresh we were back on the road, still having the stench of a stincky nappy (diaper) on the back seat (in a nappy packet mind you). At least I now had a much happier and brighter child, most probably grateful for the "release".
I realised afterwards that it was the Prunes I had fed her the night before, to assist in her digestion, that caused this explosion! The aftereffects of Prunes I will surely never forget! Hopefully next time, no wait: there won't be a next time, i will learn my lesson and just stick to the boiled cooled water...
Hope this brought a smile to your face.
Until next time...Enjoy your TinyTot and remember: Motherhood is a gift to be cherished!
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