Motherhood is a gift to be cherished. Sharing thoughts and adventures with our children is what we are about.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

"She has Arrived!!!..."

I remember it was a Monday when I finally decided to take that Pregnancy test. Being nauseous for two weeks was no joke, and I was determined I couldn't be pregnant, as nothing added up. Nevertheless my heart was beating in my throat and I sat there waiting for the five minutes to be up- not even stealing a glance at the stick! What if there are two blue lines... and in my head I'm thinking:"If I am pregnant-please don't let me become whale-ishly huge..."
The five minutes where up... I just quickly looked at it ... Two Blue Lines telling me I am pregnant. I tried to calculate how far I was. There weren't those fancy pregnancy tests that told you how far you are and made you a cup of tea at the same time! I was definitely pregnant! I even took a second test- JUST in case the first one somehow had made an error!
I couldn't"t wait for the day of her Birth: the Princess that had been growing in my womb for 9 Months was finally arriving. Wednesday the 29th September. The unplanned Ceasarian was an unwanted yet much needed Birth, and I was happy to get her out either way! I was bursting with excitement to meet her- never mind actually Bursting: feeling like a balloon way beyond its blow-up capacity! My husband and I were ready as can be; with the room decorated and the car seat ready. Even the Nappy Bag was packed now just waiting for this long-awaited day to arrive!  
And what an experience it was- seeing your own baby for the very first time! Any mom will tell you- there are absolutely no words to describe how miraculous and beautiful that first encounter is.  Besides the slightly overwhelming operation, and all those people in the theatre, the one thing to keep me calm was the sight of my husband in his comical overalls and headgear! He really looked like a Tellitubby. Afterwards I had such a laugh about the Doctors, having a big fat chat whilst operating on me. They were even talking about what they would be doing on the coming weekend! I'm laying there thinking to myself :"Hellooo; please concentrate on getting my child out!!"
All in all having a Caesar was an experience I will never forget, but having the blessing of a child is a Journey I will always appreciate and thank God for! Ultimately He has blessed us with the biggest Miracle... Being able to give life!And in the words of my comical Gynae: " You don't fall pregnant to have a birth, but you fall pregnant to have a Baby!" A casear is an option I would not choose, but would do it again in a heartbeat to have my Princess...!
I love being a mom and am enjoying every step of my daughter's speedy development.
Until next time...Enjoy your TinyTot and remember: Motherhood is a gift to be cherished! 

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