Motherhood is a gift to be cherished. Sharing thoughts and adventures with our children is what we are about.

Saturday, 2 April 2011 the kitchen sink.....

When leaving the house one always has to make sure you have everything when touring with a Baby. This means an extra set of clothing or two- as you never know (see my post "watch out for the Prunes..."). Nappies, wetwipes, bum cream the lot. Then you need toys, a burp cloth for those moments unexpected, the list could go on and on. In the end basically it's two of everything and anything you can think of that you might need. And as you know the saying goes: "I even have the Kitchen sink". Because literally a mother with a nappy bag has everything. I even have a spare spoon for if I am out and have to buy food, right down to a pen and sample bum creams in case I happen to run out... If a spill had to happen a mom is quick to whip out the wet wipes and clean.
As necessary as it is to have a nappy bag around, there are moments when I don't feel like the 'shlep' to carry around the Mary Poppins Bag; I just want to feel 'normal'. Even then there is always a nappy/diaper and bum cream in my handbag...sad I know! But that is the reality when you are a mom.
A nappy bag can never be too big, but when you have a big nappy bag, then its complain complain because its too big and its heavy-blah blah blah. But when it gets down to the wire, having a bag filled with all the necessities for a little person, it has saved me so many times... extra clothes-extra everything!
I must say though, when you go out its always nice to palm the heavy bag filled with an endless supply of everything to the husband, he can carry it! On the other hand it can be stored in the basket compartment of the pram; which I find a mission: I have to squeeze it in, as the bag is actually bigger than the basket! I don't win do I! haha.

The bags are there for a reason, and when you are buying all your baby attire a nappy bag is an important component. Whether for design, pattern or practicality purposes. what shocks me is that there are simple bags that can cost up to R1000. This price for a bag that carries a whole lot of extras around??
Until next time...Enjoy your TinyTot and remember: Motherhood is a gift to be cherished!

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